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Placement Assessment

Find out which courses are best suited for your success.

What is Placement Assessment?

Chemeketa uses multiple measures to determine your current skill level in writing and math before you register for classes. To begin, start here - Placement Assessment Form.  You will receive a response within 3-5 business days with information about your placement and your next steps.

Who Needs to Complete Placement Assessment?

Most new students complete placement assessment to identify the best beginning courses for optimal success. You'll need to know your placement before you meet with an academic advisor or navigator so they may help you plan your first term at Chemeketa.

You may be able to use another method for placement, such as GED scores (2016 or later) or prior college credit.  You can submit score reports or transcripts for review by following the instructions under "Other Methods for Placement" shown below.

Directed Self-Placement for Writing

Other Methods for Placement

  • Prior Credit for Placement

    If you earned college credit at a regionally accredited college or university in writing or math with a C or higher it may be possible to use your transcripts instead of taking a placement test.

    How to Submit Prior Credits

    • Email an unofficial copy of your transcripts to along with your name and Chemeketa Student ID Number (K#). The unofficial transcript is used in advising to determine placement only.
    • If you are a degree-seeking student, remember to also submit official college transcripts for evaluation to Enrollment Services. This process is for possible transfer of credits from another institution to your Chemeketa transcript.
  • GED Scores

    Students who completed the GED College Ready tests in Reasoning Through Language Arts and Mathematical Reasoning can submit test transcripts for review.  GED College Ready tests were first available in 2016, so students who completed GED prior to 2016 will need to complete the Placement Assessment form.

    Email a copy of your GED transcript to for review along with your Chemeketa student ID number (K number).  Allow 3-5 business days for processing. An email will be sent to your My Chemeketa email account with your placement results.

    GED Scores
    GED Test Name Subject Scores Chemeketa
    Reasoning Through Language Arts Writing 165 and higher WR 121
    Reasoning Through Language Arts Writing 155-164 WR 115
    Reasoning Through Language Arts Writing 145-154 WR 090
    Mathematical Reasoning Math 165 and higher MTH 111
    Mathematical Reasoning Math 157-164 MTH 095
    Mathematical Reasoning Math 150-156 MTH 070
    Mathematical Reasoning Math 145-149 MTH 060


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