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Our race, ethnicity, age, gender and social groups impact the things we do and how we view the world. Chemeketa's sociology courses teach you how to reflect on our complex societies and better understand how external forces influence human behavior.

topics Social Sciences

Skills & InterestProblem Solving

CareersSocial Sciences

  • A student reads the book,
  • Students working on a project outside
  • Four Colorfully Dressed Students

Why choose Sociology?

When you study people and the way they interact in groups, you get a clearer picture of how the world works. This skill is important in any career you choose as well as in your personal relationships. Sociology courses count toward humanities credits required for most transfer degrees and prepare you for higher-level sociology courses at a university.

What will you learn?

You will learn how to use different points of view to analyze how humans behave. Content includes 

  • The sociological perspective
  • United States society
  • Social problems
  • Sociology of the family
  • Race & ethnicity
  • Juvenile delinquency
  • Environment and sustainability
  • Violence, terrorism and war
  • Sociological and cultural perspective on death and dying

What will you do?

The communication, critical thinking and problem solving skills developed in sociology classes are valuable in many jobs that work with people from diverse backgrounds. Studying sociology will prepare you for a variety of careers 

  • Teaching and education
  • Business and nonprofits
  • Politics and government
  • Journalism and research
  • Law and law enforcement
  • Marketing and public relations
  • Counseling and social services