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Tiffany Gardner, MS

Counselor & Faculty Bilingual English/American Sign Language

Tiffany has been at the college since 1995 and has worked as the Disabilities Specialist prior to joining the Counseling team in 1997.

Chemeketa Counselor & Faculty Bilingual English/American Sign Language Tiffany Borden

Tiffany has experience counseling students with a variety of backgrounds including students who are deaf, students with disabilities, students in recovery from substance abuse, and teens in transition. She enjoys helping students realize their career goals through classes and workshops, as well as one-on-one meetings. Tiffany earned her master's from Western Oregon University in Rehabilitation Counseling; Deafness and her bachelor's in Psychology from Stephens College. In her free time, she enjoys outdoor activities and training her therapy dog Teddy Bear.

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