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Community & Education

Locate community and educational resources

Welcome to Community & Education. Here you can: 

  • Explore opportunities to get involved in your local community. Find information on volunteer programs, community events, and initiatives that allow you to make a positive impact and connect with others.
  • Navigate resources designed to support your employment journey. From developing your professional skills with our Student Employment Specialist to finding the right professional outfit to put your best foot forward. Find resources to help you at every step of the way. 
  • Find resources for pet owners and animal enthusiasts. From local pet adoption agencies to information on pet care, this section provides guidance on fostering a positive relationship with your furry friends and supporting animal welfare.
  • Get assistance in managing your academic resources efficiently. Explore information on affordable textbooks and tips for saving on educational supplies. 
  • Access valuable information and resources related to immigration. Whether you're an international student or seeking guidance on immigration matters, explore support services, legal information, and community organizations that can assist you.