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Chemeketa offers support to expectant and parenting students

Chemeketa Student Parent Program

Chemeketa Student Parent Program helps pregnant and parenting students overcome challenges to complete their educational and career goals.

The college is currently operating remotely. All physical campus facilities are closed including the Student Parent Resource Center. Please contact us at 503.399.6566 for information about the program or to sign up.


Support Services for Students with Children

Chemeketa Student Parent Program supports all students without requirements for GPA, income, citizenship or enrollment level. You are eligible to sign up if you are pregnant or parenting and you are enrolled in a Chemeketa program (such as GED, ESOL, certificate or degree)-

  • Student parent support group meetings led by a counselor
  • Access to the Chemeketa Lending Library for free textbooks
  • Free parenting classes (credit and non-credit)
  • Referrals to local resources and services
  • Early childhood development information
  • Resources to support the health and well-being of you and your family
  • Virtual Parent Resource Center

Virtual CDC @ Home

The Chemeketa Child Development Center is now providing Preschool and Kinder Support virtually. Our Preschool at Home program provides parents with customized resources and play-based activities designed by an instructional specialist to support them in preschooling their children from home. The Kinder Support program is a place where parents with Kindergarten aged children work directly with an instructional specialist to implement their child's curriculum in play-based way. Both programs offer weekly virtual group and music times for children. Please contact us today to register!

CCAMPIS Eligibility

Students receiving the Federal Pell Grant are eligible to receive subsidized childcare and additioinal resources through the CCAMPIS (Child Care Access Means Parents in School) Grant. Please contact us for more information or to apply.