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Free Speech Guidelines

Chemeketa recognizes and supports the rights of free expression and speech.

Free Speech Guidelines

Purpose & Authority

Chemeketa Community College recognizes and supports the rights of free expression and speech.  It is the purpose of these Guidelines to inform members of the College community and the public of the time, place and manner in which they may engage in constitutionally protected speech and expression at Chemeketa.  These individuals or groups include, but are not limited to, those that represent religious organizations, groups desiring petition signatures, political candidates and their representatives, and groups representing political issues. It is the intent of these Guidelines to ensure the primary educational purpose of the College is maintained, while promoting debate and the sharing of information and ideas, while ensuring the safety and security of every individual.

Free Speech Disclaimer

All information and ideas expressed by the individual or organization using the Chemeketa Community College Free Speech areas are that of the individual or organization and do not represent the views of Chemeketa Community College.

The link below contains Chemeketa Community College's Free Speech Guidelines.  Chemeketa encourages all individuals to feel free to engage in public discourse within the time, place, and manner set forth in these Free Speech Guidelines. We encourage you to review these Guidelines and if you have questions, please reach out to either Joel Gisbert at (student questions), or Rebecca Hillyer at (general public questions). 

Chemeketa Free Speech Guidelines